Meet the Members of Venture Networkers
Venture Networkers (VN) is made up of members who work in a variety of business areas.
Here is more info about our current members business plus contact information.
By clicking on their business logo or picture - you will be redirected to their Venture web page.
Margaret Cook
Gorman &
Lodermeier PLC
Megan Simonson
Insurance Sales
National Insurance Brokers
Mitch McNeil
Insurance and Investing
Northwestern Mutual
Steven Demorett
Mortgage Lender
SJD Mortgage Services
Sherry Drysdale- Schruth
Mary Kay
Karen Renshaw
Human Resource Services
Diamond HR LLC
Candace Gordon & Lori Simonson
EXIT Realty Rivertown
Brenda Stelter
Promotions Apparel & Signage
Anchor Promotions
Welcome! I’m Brenda Stelter, founder and owner of Anchor Promotions, Apparel, and Signage. With a business & marketing degree, and after years in a corporate career, I launched Anchor Promotions in 2004 with a two-fold commitment:
Provide quality promotional products, branded apparel, & signage with exceptional customer service.
Tom Dwelle
Fiber-Optic TV, Phone, Internet
HBC is the only 100% fiber optic provider in the area offering symmetrical high speed internet service with fiber directly to the home or business. HBC also provides telephone and video service over it’s fiber optic network.
Lance Garrick
Computer Repair and IT Support
Computers on the Go
Our #1 goal is keeping technology working, from the individual, to the small business!
Computers on the Go provides IT support to individuals and small businesses in the Red Wing area.